Tuesday 23 June 2009

The Movie - Update

After glancing through my most recent posts it occurred to me to write something about the progress we're making with he film. Some of our twitter followers have also inquired into our progress, so here's an update.

After overcoming our selection dilemma with a script writer we've received the first 40 pages back - which I have to say were outstanding. I got them by email late one night, around midnight as I was just powering down my PC for the night. Curiosity got the better of me and so I decided to print them off ready to read through over breakfast! I glanced at the first page and before I knew it, 80 pages later (it was that good I had to read it again!) I was excited and also reassured - knowing we made the right choice with this writer.

We've developed a 2-min promotional video incorporating footage I shot myself and other material to give investors both a feel for what the film's about and also the story. It's awesome! The reaction to this has ranged from excitement to disbelief and without fail all have been extremely positive. We've shown it to investors, producers, and a range of other key contacts in the film and finance space. It's proved to be a winning ingredient to get people's attention right away to the fact that we are serious and second of all own a great story.

Our organic on-line marketing campaign has started. We have in the region of 2500 followers on twitter, most of which we hope have an interest in this genre film. We plan to ramp this effort up in the next few months so that we can hit our goal of 30,000 followers by Christmas. Ambitious I know but I think it's achievable. If we can achieve this while still in development, we are confident when the time comes to negotiating distribution deals we'll have over 200,000 eyeballs on the film - each one we hope will be interested enough to go see the film (and take a friend)! Not a bad box office target don't you think?

Our search for film funding is ticking along nicely given the development stage of our film. We are actively speaking to and meeting investors on a weekly basis, all of which are now eagerly anticipating the script. We floated the idea of raising some 'seed' or development finance to shape up our proposal but in the end opted against doing so at this stage. We feel we are able to cash flow the development phase ourselves.

So all in all we are making progress and advancing toward our December milestone at a steady pace.